Donnerstag, 21. Mai 2020

Corona-Crisis: Medical Professionals and Scientist for Health, Freedom and Democracy - A Sucharit Bhakdi Initiative

(Transcript of the video)
Driven by the strong desire to contribute to the social welfare in our country, we would like to introduce ourselves as a newwly formed association 

"Medical and Sience Professionals for Health, Freedem and Democrayy (MWGFD)". 

The initiative adresses medical professionals and scientists dedicated to these fields who wish to join us in this endeavour, which has arisen as a reaction to the political and social changes caused by the questionable measures that have been imposed to contain the Corona pandemic. 

Wie want to alert the populace to the many dangers these measures harbor to their health, feedom and to democracy. 

Corona crisis
picture compilation

December 2019, Wuhan, China

"COVID 10 pandemic" (WHO, 03.11.2020)

03.25.2020: German federal dovernment: 
"Law for the protection of the people by an epidemic of natioanl scope" 
with major interventiuons in the constitution.

the acting politicans

Chjancler Angela Merkel (CDU)

Bavarian presodent Markus Söder (CSU)

and their consulting experts 

accoampanied by a media campaign with a previously unprecedented extent of panic and fear-mongering. 

A headline: They fel it when thea die. It is like drowning, only slower.

But is COVID 19 really the extremely dangerous plague, a threat to the mankind?

Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, lung specialist
fortmer hed of a public health department
member of transparency internatioanl
reminds us of the swine flu fiasco, which led to senseless measures nand huge economic losses.

Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi
Microbiologist and immunologist, former Head of the Institue of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene in Mainz Univerisity (Germany).
Youtube: A moving open letter to the Chancellor and interviews in different channels. 
He believes that the corona measures endanger medical welfare, social wellbeing an the very roots if the democracy. 

Further criticak expert voices:
Medical examiner Prof. Klaus Püschel
Virologist Prof. Hendrik Streeck
Financial scientist Prof. Stefan Homburg

Dr. Bodo Schiffmann, ear nose and throat specialist
daily critical corona post on Youtube
Nw political party "Widerstasnd 2020" (Resistance 2020)

Comilation of the statements of 120 experts
among them one of the most quoted medical scientists
Prof. John Ioannidis of Standfort

The conclusions of the experts in essence:

--Covid 19 is in terms of danger comparable to a normal flu due to the influenza virus,

--The so clalled lockdown with all its grave consequences was not necessary. 

--The majority of Corona deaths were not due but with the virus. 

--The most vulunerable group, elderly people with pre-existing serious deseaces could have been protected by the existing conventional messures.

--Vaccination gaainst a virus that does not represent an extreme danger and that  continously undergoesa variations is neither calles for nor can be successful. 

--The imposed use of facew masks utterly lacks scientific basics and can seriously enfanger the treath of many predisposed individuals.

Consequently it is demanded that all measures in content with the lock down must be terminated. 

The initiative "Medical and Science Professioonals for Health, Feedeom and Democeacy" is commited to this aim and to the aim of transmitting scinetifically sound information to the public. 

Our credo is to act evidence based science with common sense und empathy for the sake of health an freedom in a democratic society. 

We will convene and confer with you whenever we deem these values to be in danger in the future. 

We need your support!

Take part an register at our website 
an share our massagees and reports. 

United, let us strike to contribute to the benefit of society to the security and well being of our children and grandchildren and to the prosperity of genrations to come!

Perhaps this will be an incentive for you to form similar core groups in your countries. And maybe we will than be able join forces and work together for a better world. 

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