Mittwoch, 13. Oktober 2021

[Unser Politikblog] Criminal complaint filed with International Criminal Court over Corona shock measures - call for testimony on 'vaccination'

Press release
Criminal complaint filed with International Criminal Court over Corona shock measures - call for testimony on 'vaccination'
Our Politics Blog | 08.10.2021

Human rights defender (under UN Resolution 53/144) Sarah Luzia Hassel-Reusing is preparing a criminal complaint before the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague for the use of the shock doctrine under the pretext of Corona. The charge relates to actions that have reached the gravity of a crime against humanity (Article 7 of the Rome Statute). Civilians are harmed as part of a large-scale and systematic policy through the crimes of murder (lit. a), detention or other serious deprivation of liberty in violation of fundamental rules of international law (lit. e), torture (lit. f), persecution (lit. h), and other inhumane acts of a similar nature that intentionally cause great suffering or serious injury to body or mental or physical health (lit. k). Shock measures serve power, ideological, and profit interests of various circles that overlap.

Meanwhile, the worldwide Corona campaign has claimed countless victims of so-called "vaccination." The crime against humanity must be investigated and the culprits held accountable. You can contribute to this with your testimony. The aggrieved can get face and voice through the complaint and save lives of other people, in the meantime also children's lives.

We need the testimonies with name, address, date of birth, signature and explicit permission to use them for the criminal complaint that will be filed at the ICC for the crime against humanity by the Corona Shock Measures.

Testimonies should be guided by the following questions:

-When did you receive which mRNA/DNA preparation ("vaccine") against Sars-CoV-2 from which pharmaceutical company?

-What serious and/or persistent side effects did you have that did not occur prior to vaccination?

-Please provide evidence of these health effects with a note from your physician.

-What consequences did these health problems have for you?

-Were you pressured to take the sting? If so, who did this and in what way?

- To what extent are you aware of the experimental and genetically manipulative nature of the mRNA/DNA preparation?

The testimony must be in English. Please send the signed document as soon as possible to.

Sarah Luzia Hassel-Reusing
Human Rights Defender under UN Resolution 53/144
Thornerstr. 7
42283 Wuppertal (Germany)


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