NRW-Landtagswahl 2021: Gegen nächsten Lock-Down Stimme gültig für "Die Basis" einsetzen

NRW-Landtagswahl 2021: Gegen nächsten Lock-Down Stimme gültig für "Die Basis" einsetzen
RKI-Files zeigen, die Welt wurde aus reiner Willkür ohne Evidenz syn-corona-isiert. Es drohen neue Verträge und Regeln, mit denen alles noch schlimmer als erlebt wiederholt werden kann. Der durch eine "Verzehrstudie" spätestens seit 2007 der Bundesregierung bestätigt vorliegende pandemische Vitamin D-Mangel interessiert nicht mal Grüne und Linke, aber neuartige, gentechnische Injektionen werden seit 2020 von CDU, CSU, SPD, FDP, Grünen und Linken unterstützt. Unmengen an Geld wurden sinnlos verschwendet und den Menschen Schaden zugefügt. Vieles zum Thema finden Sie bei . Nur wenn viele zur NRW-Landtagswahl sonstige Parteien wählen kann der Protest fruchten. Nur wenn Sie das mit allen Bekannten besprechen und digital dafür werben, kann dies eine Massenbewegung werden. Nur wer gültig eine "Die Basis" für seinen konstruktiven Protest wählt, kann sagen, dass er keinen Anteil an dem hat, was in Landtagen und Bundestag anstellen. Wahlenthaltung und ungültige Stimmen lassen die Mächtigen alleine durch ihre eigenen gültigen Stimmen weiter agieren. Nur gültige Stimmen können diese entmachten, so dass wir es bei jeder Wahl erneut versuchen müssen und unsere Stimme gültig einsetzen. Informieren Sie sich über Die Basis Denn mit einer Stimme für CDU, CSU, SPD, FDP, Linken, AfD und Grünen, der Wahlenthaltung oder ungültigen Stimmen haben wir alle verloren, weil das dazu dient, das die Kräfte weiter agieren, die unser Land mit Panik überziehen und den Aufbau eines menschlichen Gesundheitswesen unterlassen. Weitere Infoseiten zu Corona sind unter Videos von mir auf Bitchute verlinkt. Bitte Bild mit rechter Maustaste anklicken und neues Fenster öffnen.

Freitag, 30. Juli 2021

Charge to the International Criminal Court for corona shock measures – call for testimonies

Charge to the International Criminal Court for corona shock measures – call for testimonies
Unser Politikblog | 30.07.2021

The human rights defender (according to UN resolution 53/144) Sarah Luzia Hassel-Reusing is preparing a charge under criminal law to the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Haague for the application of the shock doctrine under the pretext of corona. The charge will deal with measures, which have reached the gravity of a crime against humanity (art. 7 Roman Statute).

Civilians are damaged within the scope of a large-scale and systematic policy in the way of the crimes murder (lit. a), imprisonment or other severe deprivation of physical liberty in violation of fundamental rules of international law (lit. e), torture (lit. f), persecution (lit. h), and other inhumane acts of similar character intentionally causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or to mental or physical health (lit. k). The shock measures serve power, ideology, and profit interests of various circles, which are overlapping with each other.
The human rights activist emphasizes: „Casualties and serious health damages by the corona shock measures are there globally particulaly in the way of hunger (in 2020 expectedly 130,000,000 additional acutely starving people according to an estimation by the World Food Program from April 2020).

Also delayed surgeries contribute to that damage, among them about 50,000 cancer surgeries in Germany, as well as isolation, shock, and economical ruin. Also the enforced masks can cause physical and psychological damages. In addition to that, remarkably, the casualties in connection with the overdosage of medicaments and with premature invasive respiration have been used for the shock propaganda.“

Deprivations of physical liberty are, from the view of the human rights defencer, particularly isolation of the residents of nursery homes and the quarantine, particularly the isolation of children within the family with the threat of taking them under custody, strict restrictions of movement, and deliberate self isolations as a result of the traumatization caused by the shock propaganda. As the basis for all this serves a PCR test, which has no official validation, and so is questionable from a medical and from a legal point of view.

The crime of persecution is fulfilled particularly by the economical destruction of whole branches of the economy by means of shutdowns and by impositions of enforced masks which are bad for business. It is also fulfilled by the hate speech against and the targeted economical destruction of physicians, journalists, bloggers, and human rights acitivists. It is, from the view of Mrs. Hassel-Reusing, also the case regarding children, elderly people, and other groups, which are hit discriminatingly harder than others within the scope of the other crimes according to art. 7 Roman Statute.

The switching off and the deletion of websites and channels and of single videos, which inform about Sars-Cov-2 or about the shock measures, can, from the view of the human rights defender, be an accessory of a crime against humanity, if e. g. this way the informing of the victims is frustrated, if the persevation of the crimes is made easier, or if the collection of pieces of information important for the the investigation under criminal law is hindered.

Torture is, within the scope of the shock measures, being committed particularly in the way of psychological torture (compare the table by Prof. Biderman at p. 53 of the „Report on Torture“ 1975, Amnesty International), among them isolation torture, monopolization of perception, exposure, demonstration of „omnipotence“, threats and degradations, and in the way of the „learned helplessness“ according to Prof. Seligman.

„Most of the politicians world-wide participate, because they have been manipulated themselves by means of shock and of one-sided counselling, as it is showen by the paper 'Wie wir Covid-19 unter Kontrolle bekommen' ('How we get Covid-19 under control), which has been created for the lobbying to the Federal Ministry of the Interior“, so Hassel-Reusing.

The charge shall direct the attention to those responsible persons, who are manipulating the perception of the public and of the decision-makers, and to those, in whose interests that manipulation is taking place, so Hassel-Reusing. „There are, from our knowledge, many rather private perpetrators, who have some of their assets at coordinating points of the state, of media, and of international organizations, and the exact identities of some of the main perpetrators will probably turn out in the course of the investigations under criminal law.“

In order the ICC be able to start a procedure under criminal law and to determine the perpetrators, it is necessary, to explain the system and the large scale, and you also need enough testimonies by people who have been damaged, by their relatives or by witnesses who have observed a part of the crime.

We need the testimonies with name, address, birth date, signature, and the explicit permission to use them for the criminal complaint, which will file to the ICC concerning the crime against humanity by the corona shock measures.

The testimonies should orientate themselves along the following questions:

---When have you received which mRNA/DNA preparation („vaccine“) against Sars-CoV-2, produced by which pharma corporation?

---Which serious and/or lasting side effects have you suffered, which have not had before the jab?

---Please prove these health damages with a certifiaction by your doctor.

-Which consequences have those health damages had for you?

---Have you been pressured to take the jab? If so, who has done this in which way?

---In how far have you been informed about the experimental and of the genetically manipulating character of the mRNA/DNA preparation?

Witnesses are called to address themselves to the human rights defender

„Please send your testimonies in writing and with signature with an explicit permission for the use for the charge to the International Criminal Court for crime against humanity by the corona shock measures, and with signature to Sarah Luzia Hassel-Reusing, Thorner Str. 7, 42283 Wuppertal

Please send your testimonies, if possible, in German an in English language, because German is unfortunately no official language at the ICC.“


Sarah Luzia Hassel-Reusing
human rights defender according to UN resolution 53/144
Thorner Str. 7
42283 Wuppertal (Germany)

Bild: Aus Fotoausstellung "The Familiy of Man" in Clervaux / Luxemburg 
Die Ausstellung gehört zum Weltkulturerbe der Menschheit. 

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