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1992 setzte sich die ÖDP in Baden Württemberg mit diesem Plakat zur Landtagswahl für die ungeborenen Kinder ein und bezog Stellung gegen ein Recht auf Abtreibung. |
Das posten des folgenden Textes brachte mir eine einwöchige Sperrung für Facebookgruppen bis 20.01.18 ein, obwohl ich das nur in recht wenigen Gruppen geteilt habe, die der Abtreibung kritisch gegenüber stehen. Ich protestiere hiermit gegen die willkürliche Zensur bei Facebook und die Abschaffung der Meinungsfreiheit. Gruppen haben Admine und die können solche Dinge bei Bedarf selber Regeln und brauchen keine Bevormundung durch Facebook.
Because you totally understand why abortion is wrong...
Dear Felix Staratschek,
... I'm inviting you to be the voice of the unborn -- literally.
By writing a letter to the editor of your campus newspaper or your local newspaper.
> Get started with these tips & 5 sample letters
The sample letters will help you compose your own persuasive letter to the editor. And the best time to submit your letter is before January 22, the day of the Roe vs. Wade decision.
By the way -- will you be at the March for Life in Washington, D.C. on January 19?
I hope so.
TFP Student Action has a big group of young volunteers going to the march. And it will be easy for you to find us. Just look for our tall red banners and marching band -- bagpipes included.
We'd love to meet you and march with you.
But if you can't make it, please pray for us.
Also, please consider sharing these posts to fight abortion:
10 Reasons Why Abortion is Evil & Not a "Pro-Choice"
Life Begins at the Beginning
March for Life vs. Women's March -- Amazing Differences
And these too:
The Baby Planned Parenthood Can't Silence
Catholic Campus Offers Pro-Abortion Internships
Petition to Defund Planned Parenthood Forever
Thank you so much for fighting the good fight,
John Ritchie
TFP Student Action, Director
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